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What is a Corporate Resolution?

A corporate resolution can be something as simple as an action item that is debated, voted and recorded in the corporate minutes. But in general, a corporate resolution refers to a document that outlines the details of a resolution to take action – to sell shares, to bid on a project, to make a purchase offer, etc. In the resolution, a company officer is identified as the person who will act on behalf of the company, and who is empowered to enter into a contract or activity on behalf of the company. The resolution is then signed by members of the board, witnessed, and is dated and marked with the company seal. Below is a generic Corporate Resolution.

Example of corporate resolution document:

corporate resolution document

Want more information about registering a company? Visit our Guide. Check out incorporation fees by each state.

Tip: Did you know that Delaware and Nevada are top two incorporation states?

Ready to register a company? Choose one of these great online incorporators:

 Business Filings
 The Company Corporation
 My Corporation
Online Store:

How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation
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